Safe2Filter Single Filter Assembly


AeroVent 10004841

The Safe2Filter™ Single Filter Assembly is the streamlined cousin to the Safe2Vent filter. Designed to fit manual, single aerosol can disposal systems, the Safe2Filter™ has more carbon than most other filters and includes a check valve which closes the filter outlet. These powerful features make it the least expensive, 50 state compliant, filter on the market.

Single filter assembly includes cartridge and the base which will fit on a standard size drum bung hole.  Patent Pending

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Ships From: United States (US)

SKU: 10004841 Category:

AeroVent 10004841

Have the older model of the AeroVent™ or a competitor aerosol can disposal system? Upgrade to the Safe2Vent™ and get more carbon and 50 state compliance.

Assembly includes replaceable cartridge and the base  allowing the filter to fit on a standard size drum bung hole.

The Safe2Filter™ Single Filter Assembly features:

Universal Design: The Safe2Filter™ drum vent filter is compatible with all manual, single can aerosol can disposal systems. The reusable base is made to fit the 3/4 inch opening on any steel drum.  

Check Valve: The Safe2Filter™ check valve closes the filter outlet preventing vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. The AeroVent lid also needs to be closed for compliance.

Environmentally Friendly: The Safe2Filter™ contains more carbon than many other filters on the market. The environmentally friendly cellulose construction is 96% biodegradable and can be safely be sent directly to the landfill and decomposes naturally.  As a bonus, each replaceable filter includes a coalescing element for convenient and safe handling.

Compliant in all 50 states: With it’s closing check valve the AeroVent 10004841 Safe2Filter™  is compliant in all 50 states and conforms to OSHA, EPA and California SB1158 regulations.

Fully replaceable. Just remove the filter cartridge from the reusable base and replace with the new cartridge.

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 13 × 4 × 4 in

Spec Sheet


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