Pak-More® Hold Down Disks

Pak-More® Hold Down Disks Significantly Reduce Waste Disposal Cost -- Up to 70%

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Pak-More® Hold Down DisksMaterial spring-back obviously reoccupies valuable drum space and adds substantially to disposal costs for paper, plastics, cardboard, and hazardous waste – particularly materials exhibiting spring-back or “memory” characteristics.

Thus the remarkable Pak-More Hold Down Disk was created.

The disk had to be tough, durable, and capable of taking great compacting pressures to reach those lowest compaction levels… and holding that position.

Visualize the compactor ram retracting… leaving the disk in place at its lowest position.   The disk, by virtue of five locking tabs, securely wedges itself against the drum wall.

Using one or two Pak-More Disks per drum, each disk compressing a volume of material to its lowest compaction level, you will significantly store up to 70% more waste!

Consider too, no special tools or skills are required to assemble the Pak-More Disk. Nothing complex. The disks work well with any 55-gallon drum compactor such as our 55AR RAM FLAT® Compactor shown here:

Pak-More® Hold Down Disks

To actually compact, place the Pak-More Disk over the material in the drum.   Begin compaction.   At the lowest level of compaction, the Pak-More Disk locks in place.   No spring-back.   Repeat compaction for capacity drum use.

The Pak-More Disk stops anywhere along the length of a 55 gallon drum - to the ultimate point of compaction.   It is not necessary to lock into the drum rings for retention.

Consider this unique, important benefit: the Pak-More Disk is easily and safely removed simply by loosening the locking tabs and releasing locking pressure.

For minimal storage advantages, Pak-More Disks are shipped unassembled; however, assembly is uncomplicated - a matter of seconds.

Just how much money will your company save using Pak-More Disks?   Typically, you can reduce costs of $500 per drum to $300!   That's savings above 40%.

To order Pak-More Disks, or for further information, please telephone TOLL FREE 1-888-RAM-FLAT(888-726-3528) or email

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